Jailbreak iOS 8 And iOS 8.1 With Pangu On iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 5s, iPad, More [Updated]

iOS 81 8 jailbreak iPhone 6
UPDATE: Team Pangu has released a tool to jailbreak iOS 8 to iOS 8.1 untethered on iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 5s, 5c, 5, 4s, all iPads, and iPod touch 5. You can read more about it all, along with jailbreaking instructions, download link and more for new jailbreak in our dedicated articles given below.
If you are already jailbroken using Pangu8, make sure you update the latest untether package to get all the bug fixes. A guide on how to update to latest untether package for already jailbroken devices can be found here.
So, iOS 8 is out, and many are looking to jailbreak iOS 8, iOS 8.0.2, iOS 8.1 already on their iPhones, iPads and iPod touches. Below, we look at the current state of play in an attempt to assess when one might come about.
With iOS 7, we were somewhat spoilt, with Evad3rs covering the earlier builds before Chinese team Pangu came through to jailbreak iOS 7.1 and up. But essentially, we’re back to square one, and as millions flock to download iOS 8, where do we stand?
i0n1c, the German security researcher and perpetual jailbreaker, suggested that Apple hadn’t quite patched all of the exploits found in iOS 7.1.1 with the iOS 8 betas. What this means is, while current version of Pangu won’t work for iOS 8, the jailbreak scene has a potential building block from which to produce yet another miracle. It all boils down to whether Apple has plugged the remainder of the holes with the final release of iOS 8, though, and until those in the know have had the chance to scrutinize it, we couldn’t possibly say either way.
The take-home here, folks, is that until the major forces in the jailbreak world have had a chance to assess the public release and henceforth offer their takes on the changes, we don’t really know the ifs, the hows or the whens of an iOS 8 untethered jailbreak.
Neither Evad3rs nor Pangu has been particularly vocal at this point, but given that the former includes several trusted, long-standing members of the community including Pod2g and MuscleNerd, here’s to hoping that we’ll have more information very soon.
It is important to note that if you update to iOS 8 today, you will lose your jailbreak that you have on iOS 7.x, and since signing window is now closed for iOS 7.1.2, downgrading is not possible. MuscleNerd has also confirmed this:
MN iOS 8
So if you like your jailbreak, DO NOT update to any version of iOS 8 yet as there is no jailbreak available for it.
With all the controversies that have afflicted jailbreakers in recent months, it’s likely that many will have been scared off, but even though there’ll always be an element of risk in opening up what is essentially root access, there are also plenty of benefits to be reaped via Cydia.
As our long-time readers will know by now, we’re big fans of the iOS jailbreak scene and everything that it does, so stay tuned to our coverage for updates and information as it leaks right here!
Update x1: Pangu jailbreak team is confirmed to be working on an iOS 8 jailbreak.
Update x2: iOS 8.1 is out with support for Apple Pay among other features and bug fixes. The article above has been updated to reflect this. iOS 8.1 download links can be found here.
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Top Best Cydia DreamBoard Themes For iPhone

How To Install DreamBoard on Your iOS Device:

You have to have a jailbroken iOS device in order for it to be installed. The good thing about DreamBoard app is that its completely for free. The app is available for download in Cydia under ModMyi repository.
Open Cydia and then search for “DreamBoard” and Install it. You don’t need to add any Cydia source because ModMyi is already added in it by default. Once its installed you will see it on your Springboard.
dreamboard cydia
Open it and there you will see all the themes you have downloaded. By default there is only one theme. You can tap on any of it to launch them.
DreamBoard Themes

List Of Top DreamBoard Themes For iOS

1) Endroid DreamBoard Theme

iOS users usually do not appreciate Android that much. Endroid theme comes already added in DreamBoard and the good thing about that its completely for free. Tease your friend by showing your iOS device with Android running on it.
Endroid DreamBoard ThemeEndroid HTC iPhone Theme

2) AppleWEB V2 DreamBoard Theme

This theme converts your iOS device to give ir a complete look and feel of Apple website. Open Apple.com and then install this theme and you will see that they are almost exactly the same.
AppleWEB v2 Theme
iphone themes

3) Apple Desk Ultimatum

This is one of the theme that is quite different. Its more fun and honestly you can not use it practically. Its just one of the themes you install and then remove but definitely its worth taking a look. It shows you a desk with Mac and other accessories and on other screens its very similar to Sn0w Leopard and OS X Lion.
Apple Desk 2.0Apple Desk iphone theme
ipad themesiphone theme icons
cydia dreamboard winterboard

4) BlackBerry 6.1 DreamBoard Theme

You talk about BlackBerry, well iPhone can be customized to have its look. All thanks to the jailbreak and DreamBoard, BlackBerry 6.1 theme will make you iOS device look like as there is RIM’s OS installed in it.
BlackBerry iPhone Theme
BlackBerry iPhone
BlackBerry Cydia Theme

5) BoxorHD DreamBoard Theme

Take a look at the images and then video and you will find this one of the best themes you can install on your iOS device. It has a lot of features and few of the notable ones are Live Weather, WebWidget, Rotating RSS feeds reader, Wallpaper Switcher, and PhotoLive Box.
The theme is available for download from Cydia under ModMyi repo at a price 2.99. iPad version of the theme is also available.
BoxorHD DreamBoard Theme
DreamBoard Themes
Cydia Themes
iphone themes

6) KindleFire For iPhone Theme

Kindle Fire for iPhone is a DreamBoard theme that makes your iPhone device looks like an Amazon’s Kindle Fire. Here is a full list of features that this theme provides:
  • Scrollable dock icons
  • Changeable Wallpaper and Dock image
  • Multiple default homescreens. Newsstand, Favorites and Games
  • Each row is scrollable (on Favorite and Games tabs)
  • RSS News ticker
  • Weather widget
  • iOS4 and iOS5 compatible
Kindle Fire for iPhone can be purchased from Cydia at a price $2.49.
KindleFire for iPhone
KindleFire For iPhone Theme
Kindle DreamBoard Theme

7) OS X Lion Ultomatum Theme

Ever thought of installing Mac OS X Lion on your iOS device? Well now you can have OS X Lion on your iPhone device using Lion Ultimatum theme.
Its not just only a theme that provides Lion’s look and feel but it appears as you have an actual operating system installed on your device.
Dashboard, scrollable dock, a lock screen which you can customize, Mission Control, Stacks, Launchpad, Finder Menus almost everything is there in the Ultimatum.
Mac Os x Lion On iPhone
Lion Ultamatum Theme
Lion on iPhone
Install Lion on iOS
Mac On iPhone

8) OS7 DreamBoard Theme

This theme will allow you to have Windows Phone 7 experience on iOS. It features customizable start menu and live tiles are simply awesome. Holding any app also offers options to pin it to the start menu just like in the original WP7.
OS7 is available for download from ModMyi repository and its absolutely for free. Just search OS7 in Cydia and install it. Enjoy!

- See more at: http://th3evad3rsn3ws.blogspot.com/2013/02/top-best-cydia-dreamboard-themes-for.html#sthash.qfNfWNtp.dpuf

Apple marketing exec predicts Apple Watch is going to be 'huge'

Greg Joswiak, Apple vice president of iPhone, iPod and iOS product marketing (right), chats with Walt Mossberg (center) and Ina Fried at the Recode mobile conference.Shara Tibken/CNET
HALF MOON BAY, Calif. -- The Apple Watch hasn't even launched yet, but it's going to be "huge" when it does, predicted an Apple marketing executive.
Greg Joswiak, vice president of iPhone, iPod and iOS product marketing, said on Tuesday that Apple set out to offer consumers plenty of choices with its first wearable -- including offering a couple of different sizes and multiple different bands. And people may ask Apple who the watch is for, but other devices have faced similar questions early on, he said.
"People asked us the same thing about iPhone," Joswiak said. "I think [Apple Watch is] going to be something that's one of these really huge devices."
Apple has had a very busy couple of months. The company in September launched its bigger-screeniPhone 6 and 6 Plus smartphones and showed off its first wearable, the Apple Watch. Apple also unveiled new iPads -- the iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 3 -- and refreshed Macs during a more low-key event in mid-October, as well as launching its Apple Pay mobile payments system that same month. The products are key for Apple's continued growth in the mobile market.
Apple generates about two-thirds of its sales from the iPhone and iPad, but the markets for those gadgets are becoming saturated, with rivals including Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Samsung battling for customers and the billions they spend on mobile devices. Apple's newest iPhones, however, have attracted a record number of buyers since their launch last month. The iPhone 6 has the potential to be the biggest product launch in Apple's 38-year history.
Apple CEO Tim Cook said during Apple's earnings call on October 20 that demand for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus "is far outstripping supply" and that things could stay that way through the end of the calendar year. The iPad hasn't done as well. Apple's newest tablets hit the market that same week, but analysts say the incremental changes likely aren't enough to attract buyers in droves.
Cook also appeared onstage at a Wall Street Journal conference on Monday. He said the new Apple Watch is a "profound" gadget that people will want to use so much they'll end up running down the battery every day and need to recharge it overnight. But even with the Apple Watch in the wings, Cook said that the iPhone, which delivers more than half of revenue and the majority of Apple's profit, will continue to be the company's biggest moneymaker for the foreseeable future. (Apple earlier this month announced it won't break out watch sales when the device is released.)
The Apple Watch marks Apple's first new product category since the iPad in 2010. It's also the first new push by the company under Cook's tenure. Cook had promised for over a year that Apple in 2014 would introduce "amazing" new products and enter "exciting new product categories" beyond its wildly successful smartphones, tablets and computers. The Apple Watch, which will hit the market next year, is Apple's move to fulfill that vow.

Xiaomi, again, says Apple's criticism of copying designs is overblown

Chinese mobile devices maker Xiaomi is many things, says former Google executive Hugo Barra who this month celebrates his first anniversary as vice president of the Beijing-based company. But it's no copycat.

"I think it's great that Apple took existing ideas that were very good and added their design twist on top," said Xiaomi vice president Hugo Barra. "That's what they do. That's what we do."Wall Street Journal Live

Xiaomi is young, at four years old, and still working to expand beyond China into new markets such as India and Brazil, where its low-priced smartphones and tablets are intended to appeal to budget-conscious buyers. It's also trying to capitalize on a business model that revolves around selling more than 1,000 products at or near cost -- everything from mobile phones to accessories to television sets to stuffed animals -- in its quest to "make small amounts of money" on everything it offers.
But don't dismiss it as an imitator, riding on design innovations brought to market by Apple with the iPhone and iPad, said Barra, who Tuesday countered comments by Apple's design chief Jony Ive accusing Xiaomi of design "theft" and of "being lazy." That Barra, who already came to Xiaomi's defense over Ive's comments at a Vanity Fair conference on October 9, decided to speak out again shows the issue is far from being settled.
"Our designers, our engineers, are inspired by great products and great design out there. In today's world, who isn't? " Barra said at The Wall Street Journal's Live technology conference in Laguna Beach, Calif. "Point me to a product in our industry that has a completely unique design language? You're not going to be able to find one."
Barra said he was a "huge Apple fan" and called the iPhone 6, which went on sale in September, "the world's most beautiful smartphone ever designed." But while Apple is the "world's design mecca," it also gets its design inspiration from others. The iPhone 6 borrowed "design language" from smartphone maker HTC, Barra added, echoing comments he made to the Economic Times of India.
"I think it's great that Apple took existing ideas that were very good and added their design twist on top," Barra said today. "That's what they do. That's what we do."
Ive, who oversees Apple's hardware and software design and is credited with helping create iconic products including the iPhone, iPad, iMac and soon-to-be-released Apple Watch,shared a different view when asked about alleged copy-cat design by companies including Xiaomi.
"I don't see it as flattery," he said. "When you're doing something for the first time, you don't know it's going to work. You spend seven or eight years working on something, and then it's copied. I have to be honest, the first thing I can think, all those weekends that I could have at home with my family but didn't. I think it's theft, and it's lazy."
Ive's comments come after Apple spent the past few years in court around the world, defending its design and development work in its iOS mobile software in patent disputes with arch rival Samsung, the world's No. 1 maker of smartphones. The iPhone accounts for more than 50 percent of Apple's sales, and Apple CEO Tim Cook told WSJ conference attendees on Monday that the smartphone will continue to be the company's main sales and profit driver for the next three to five years.
Xiaomi, whose devices run Google's Android mobile OS, has become the world's fifth largest smartphone maker behind Samsung, Apple, Huawei and Lenovo, according to research firm Strategy Analytics. Its business model remains to sell devices, including the Redmi Note which retails at around $154 (£95 or AU$170), as close to cost as it can, and then turn a profit over time when manufacturing costs drop.

iOS 8 adoption rate inches up to 52 percent

iOS 8 adoption continues to creep up, though it's not setting any speed records.
Updating the stats on its App Store Distribution page on Tuesday, Apple revealed that iOS 8 adoption is up to 52 percent, with iOS 7 at 42 percent and older versions collectively at 5 percent. The numbers show adoption rates as of Monday.
What kind of gains do the new figures reveal for Apple's latest mobile OS? On September 22, Apple showed iOS 8 with a 46 percent share, iOS 7 with 49 percent and older versions with 5 percent. So the growth in iOS 8 adoption continues but at a leisurely pace.
The percentages on the App Store Distribution page specifically reveal the number of devices that visit the App Store on a given date. So they don't provide a full picture of iOS 8 adoption but at least offer the measurement officially recorded by Apple.
Apple's latest stats also jibe with those from mobile analytics firm Mixpanel. As of early Wednesday, Mixpanel's numbers showed iOS 8 with nearly 54 percent adoption rate, iOS 7 with almost 43 percent and the rest of the pack with more than 3 percent. Mixpanel's data is based on its analysis of mobile app usage, specifically the number of devices using the thousands of apps that it monitors.
Data from fellow mobile analytics firm Fiksu showed a slightly lower adoption rate for iOS 8. As of Monday, Fiksu's figures cited iOS 8 with a 48.5 percent share and iOS 7 with 43 percent.
The numbers reported by Apple and the mobile analytics firms don't distinguish between people who upgrade their existing devices to iOS 8 and those who buy new iPhones and iPads already equipped with the new version. So it's difficult to gauge how many users are running iOS 8 because they want to and how many are running it because it's already on their new device.
Whatever its exact adoption rate, iOS 8 has been slower to pick up steam compared with iOS 7 last year. And the reason may partly be that the new version got off to a buggy start.
Released on September 17, iOS 8 was beset with a number of technical bugs that prompted Apple to launch iOS 8.0.1 a week later. But 8.0.1 was saddled with other problems as users quickly started complaining that they could no longer connect to cellular networks or use the Touch ID fingerprint sensor.
In response, Apple pulled the new update and rushed out iOS 8.0.2. That version seemed to address most of the issues, though some users still cited specific issues, such as Bluetooth connectivity failures.
Apple finally released iOS 8.1 on October 20. The latest version fixed glitches concerning Bluetooth connectivity, Wi-Fi performance, videos in Safari, and screen rotation. Some users continue to report problems with the new version, according to blog site Gizmodo, specifically battery drain, Wi-Fi slowdowns, and Safari performance. But overall,iOS 8.1 seems to have corrected most of the bugs that hampered the earlier versions.
iOS 8.1 also introduced new features, including support for Apple Pay, the company's new mobile payment service. iPhone users can also now send and receive text messages from their iPads and Macs. And Apple even brought back the "beloved camera roll," as Apple software head Craig Federighi described it.
Based on the initial glitches with iOS 8, iPhone and iPad users may still be reluctant to upgrade from iOS 7. But with the more stable and feature-filled iOS 8.1 now out, the adoption rate could start to pick up more steam.

Global smartphone market healthier than previously thought

Rumors that the global smartphone demand is in decline have been greatly exaggerated, according to market researcher IDC, which reported Wednesday that global smartphone shipments exceeded 300 million during the third quarter of 2014.
Increased emphasis on emerging markets drove the shipment of 327.6 million units during the quarter, a 25.2 percent increase over the year-ago period and an 8.7 percent increase over the second quarter, IDC reported. Those results were similar to the that reported by Strategy Analystics, which found that the market grew 27 percent to a record 320 million units shipped during the quarter.
"Despite rumors of a slowing market, smartphone shipments continue to see record-setting volumes,"Ryan Reith, program director with IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, said in a statement. "We've finally reached a point where most developed markets are experiencing single-digit growth while emerging markets are still growing at more than 30% collectively. In these markets, smartphone price points are making mobile computing possible where we once expected feature phones to remain dominant."
Samsung held on to its title as the smartphone sales king but was the only vendor in the top five to experience a volume decline year-over-year, due largely to increased competition and slackening demand for high-end devices. Meanwhile, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus stole the spotlight for Apple, logging 10 million units sold during its debut weekend, but the older iPhone 5S and 5C models comprised the bulk of the company's shipments for the quarter.
While Samsung and Apple continued to dominate the market, IDC said the record smartphone volume was driven by the next three largest vendors: Xiaomi, Lenovo, and LG Electronics. No. 3 Xiaomi jumped into top five thanks to a focus on China and adjacent markets, producing triple-digit year-over-year growth. Tied at fourth were Lenovo and LG, which benefited from focus on the low-cost smartphone market.
By the numbers:

Apple chief Tim Cook: 'I'm proud to be gay'

Tim CookApple chief executive Tim Cook has publicly acknowledged his sexuality, saying that he is "proud to be gay".
Mr Cook made his announcement to try to help people struggling with their identity, he wrote in a Bloomberg Businessweek article.
He has been open about his sexuality, but has also tried to maintain a basic level of privacy until now, he said.
This week Mr Cook challenged his home state of Alabama to ensure the rights of gay and transgender people.
Privacy trade-off
"While I have never denied my sexuality, I haven't publicly acknowledged it either, until now," he wrote.
"So let me be clear: I'm proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me," he added.
He said he didn't consider himself an activist, but that he realised he had "benefited from the sacrifice of others."
"So if hearing that the CEO [chief executive] of Apple is gay can help someone struggling to come to terms with who he or she is, or bring comfort to anyone who feels alone, or inspire people to insist on their equality, then it's worth the trade-off with my own privacy," he added.
Mr Cook said that he had been open about his sexuality with many people, including colleagues at Apple, but that it still "wasn't an easy choice" to publicly announce his sexual orientation.
He quoted civil rights campaigner Martin Luther King, saying: "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?' "
Rory Cellan-Jones, BBC News technology correspondent
Tim Cook's announcement may come as no surprise in Silicon Valley or across corporate America.
But that does not mean that we should underestimate the significance of the leader of the world's most valuable company talking openly about his sexuality.
Back in May, a piece in the New York Times asked "where are the gay chief executives?" and struggled to name any openly gay CEOs at America's 1,000 biggest companies.
Apple under Steve Jobs was not a company that took a stand on any issues which were not seen as relevant to its business.
Tim Cook has been more forthcoming on all sorts of issues, including equal rights for gay workers, and while he says he does not see himself as an activist, that is how many will now see him.
That could embroil him in controversy in the United States, let alone in other parts of the world with less liberal views of sexuality.
Mr Cook admitted that going public as a gay man was not an easy choice - but it certainly looks a courageous one.
This week Mr Cook referred to Martin Luther King in a speech in Alabama in which he called for equal rights for people based on sexual orientation and identity.
He said that Alabama had been too slow to ensure the rights of ethnic minorities in the civil rights era, and was now being too slow to guarantee gay rights.
"Under the law, citizens of Alabama can still be fired based on their sexual orientation," Mr Cook said.
"We can't change the past, but we can learn from it and we can create a different future."
Mr Cook has championed equality at Apple, but in August said he was "not satisfied" with workforce diversity at the company.
Outstanding, a not-for-profit professional network for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) executives, said on Thursday that many LGBT people in the UK felt it was "safer to stay in the closet" when at work.
In May a US study by LGBT organisation Human Rights Campaign suggested that 53% of US LGBT employees had not come out at work.
'Role model'
Former BP chief executive Lord Browne, who now chairs fracking company Cuadrilla, said Mr Cook had become a role model.
"By deciding to speak publicly about his sexuality, Tim Cook has become a role model, and will speed up changes in the corporate world," Lord Browne said.
The peer kept his sexual orientation a secret for decades, but was forced to come out after a boyfriend made his sexuality public in 2007

'DimInCall' Dims the Screen When You're in a Phone Call No Matter What

When you get into a phone call in iOS, your iPhone will automatically dim the display for you when you put the iPhone close to your face because the proximity sensor detects when the iPhone is close to something. 

While the feature is nice, it’s not exactly perfect. A new jailbreak tweak called DimInCall by iOS developer snakeninny makes it so the iPhone display dims during a call no matter what, whether the iPhone is close to your face or not. This guarantees that you don't accidentally touch any buttons in the phone interface when the proximity sensor fails to detect when the iPhone is close to your face.

In the event that you want to see the display in the middle of a call to access certain controls, you can press the sleep button or the home button to light the screen up manually.

DimInCall comes with a preferences pane in the Settings application where you can configure a few options:

Most importantly, you can enable and disable the tweak on demand. In addition, the tweak lets you dim the display whenever the iPhone's microphone is in use during a call, dim the display whenever you're in a speaker phone call, dim the display whenever you're in a headphone phone call, or have the iPhone vibrate whenever your call connects since you won't be able to see it on the display because it's dimmed.

DimInCall is a nice way to avoid unwanted mistakes. If you're interested in giving the tweak a try, it's available in Cydia's BigBoss repository for $1.99. The tweak is compatible with iOS 5 and later.

Name: DimInCall
Price: $1.99
Version: 1.0
Requirements: iPhone, iOS 5+
Repo: BigBoss
Developer: snakeninny
Editor's Rating:  4/5

Images of Supposed Low-Cost iPhone Back Panel Surface

A pair of recently released pictures show a plastic back panel with a Lightning connector, which suggests that the component could be from a pre-release build of Apple’s rumored low-cost iPhone. The pictures come from a Chinese micro-blogging site, Sina Weibo and were highlighted by the folks at Apple.Pro. They show a rare panel that appears to be slightly thicker than the iPhone 5 with a curved back similar to the ones found on the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS.

The part seems like it’s made of plastic and one picture seems to show a Lightning connector inserted into the bottom of the case. The authenticity of the images is unknown but the design does match up with rumored expectations for Apple’s low-cost iPhone. Aside from the apparent inclusion of space for a Lightning cable, the part lacks any identifiable labels that would help indicate that the component is built by Apple, making it easy to fabricate.

The plastic back panel is black, which does seem to contradict earlier rumors suggesting that Apple would only be offering its high-end models in black. Instead, the previous report mentioned that the low-cost model would be available in an array of colors, offering a selection beyond the current black and white options. The low-cost iPhone is still rumored to launch later this year. It’s believed that this new model is intended to counter cheaper Android-based smartphones that are sold without a contract subsidy, allowing Apple to address a new market segment in which it doesn’t currently compete in.

We’ll have to see if the pictures are accurate by waiting until we have more concrete information.

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