Top Best Cydia DreamBoard Themes For iPhone

How To Install DreamBoard on Your iOS Device:

You have to have a jailbroken iOS device in order for it to be installed. The good thing about DreamBoard app is that its completely for free. The app is available for download in Cydia under ModMyi repository.
Open Cydia and then search for “DreamBoard” and Install it. You don’t need to add any Cydia source because ModMyi is already added in it by default. Once its installed you will see it on your Springboard.
dreamboard cydia
Open it and there you will see all the themes you have downloaded. By default there is only one theme. You can tap on any of it to launch them.
DreamBoard Themes

List Of Top DreamBoard Themes For iOS

1) Endroid DreamBoard Theme

iOS users usually do not appreciate Android that much. Endroid theme comes already added in DreamBoard and the good thing about that its completely for free. Tease your friend by showing your iOS device with Android running on it.
Endroid DreamBoard ThemeEndroid HTC iPhone Theme

2) AppleWEB V2 DreamBoard Theme

This theme converts your iOS device to give ir a complete look and feel of Apple website. Open and then install this theme and you will see that they are almost exactly the same.
AppleWEB v2 Theme
iphone themes

3) Apple Desk Ultimatum

This is one of the theme that is quite different. Its more fun and honestly you can not use it practically. Its just one of the themes you install and then remove but definitely its worth taking a look. It shows you a desk with Mac and other accessories and on other screens its very similar to Sn0w Leopard and OS X Lion.
Apple Desk 2.0Apple Desk iphone theme
ipad themesiphone theme icons
cydia dreamboard winterboard

4) BlackBerry 6.1 DreamBoard Theme

You talk about BlackBerry, well iPhone can be customized to have its look. All thanks to the jailbreak and DreamBoard, BlackBerry 6.1 theme will make you iOS device look like as there is RIM’s OS installed in it.
BlackBerry iPhone Theme
BlackBerry iPhone
BlackBerry Cydia Theme

5) BoxorHD DreamBoard Theme

Take a look at the images and then video and you will find this one of the best themes you can install on your iOS device. It has a lot of features and few of the notable ones are Live Weather, WebWidget, Rotating RSS feeds reader, Wallpaper Switcher, and PhotoLive Box.
The theme is available for download from Cydia under ModMyi repo at a price 2.99. iPad version of the theme is also available.
BoxorHD DreamBoard Theme
DreamBoard Themes
Cydia Themes
iphone themes

6) KindleFire For iPhone Theme

Kindle Fire for iPhone is a DreamBoard theme that makes your iPhone device looks like an Amazon’s Kindle Fire. Here is a full list of features that this theme provides:
  • Scrollable dock icons
  • Changeable Wallpaper and Dock image
  • Multiple default homescreens. Newsstand, Favorites and Games
  • Each row is scrollable (on Favorite and Games tabs)
  • RSS News ticker
  • Weather widget
  • iOS4 and iOS5 compatible
Kindle Fire for iPhone can be purchased from Cydia at a price $2.49.
KindleFire for iPhone
KindleFire For iPhone Theme
Kindle DreamBoard Theme

7) OS X Lion Ultomatum Theme

Ever thought of installing Mac OS X Lion on your iOS device? Well now you can have OS X Lion on your iPhone device using Lion Ultimatum theme.
Its not just only a theme that provides Lion’s look and feel but it appears as you have an actual operating system installed on your device.
Dashboard, scrollable dock, a lock screen which you can customize, Mission Control, Stacks, Launchpad, Finder Menus almost everything is there in the Ultimatum.
Mac Os x Lion On iPhone
Lion Ultamatum Theme
Lion on iPhone
Install Lion on iOS
Mac On iPhone

8) OS7 DreamBoard Theme

This theme will allow you to have Windows Phone 7 experience on iOS. It features customizable start menu and live tiles are simply awesome. Holding any app also offers options to pin it to the start menu just like in the original WP7.
OS7 is available for download from ModMyi repository and its absolutely for free. Just search OS7 in Cydia and install it. Enjoy!

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